Day trip to Berlin, Bratislava, Dresden or Vienna from Prague? We can fix it!

Day excursion to Vienna from Prague

Would you like to discover one of the beautiful cities of Berlin, Bratislava, Dresden or Vienna during your stay in Prague? We can help you fix it. Book a personal driver who will take you to the city you desire to visit and enjoy a day discovering even more than just the city of Prague.

Day excursion to Vienna from Prague
Want to do a day trip to Vienna from Prague? Mapics / Shutterstock

Prague is a magnificent city, and it is very centrally located in Europe. For that reason it is perfect to come and visit Prague over and over again. And due to its nice geographical location, it is very easy to visit other great cities in the European Union on day trips from Prague.

Here are some interesting facts that you might find interesting:

  • The distance between Prague and Berlin is only 350km and it can be covered in less than 4 hours.
  • Bratislava is less than 330km from Prague, meaning that you need less than 3,5 hours to get there.
  • Dresden is only 150km from Prague, making it almost a neighbor city which can be reached in less than 2 hours.
  • Vienna is about 300km from Prague and can be reached in about 3,5 hours as well.

Would you like to discover one of these cities during your stay in Prague? Or maybe you want to stay inside the Czech Republic and visit Cesky Krumlov or Brno instead? We can help you out with day trips to those cities as well.

You can read more about these trips, prices and much more at our site for day excursions from Prague.

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