What is the distance between Wenceslas Square and the Old Town square in Prague?

The Wenceslas Square and the Old Town square are very popular squares in the capital of the Czech Republic. They are also popular locations for the annual Christmas markets. But, what is the distance between the two squares? It is easy to walk from the Old Town square to the Wenceslas square on foot? Do you need to use public transportation to move between the squares?

If you haven’t been to Prague before, you might be nervous about the distances. Maybe you want to book a hotel located on the Wenceslas square, but you are worried that is will be far away from the Old Town square? Well, here we will give you the answers you have been looking for.

Map showing the walking distance between the Wenceslas Square and the Old Town square
Map showing the walking distance between Wenceslas Square and the Old Town square

The annual Christmas market has two main locations, the Wenceslas Square and the Old Town square. If you check the map above, you can see that it says the distance is 950 meters and that it should take approximately 10 minutes to walk the distance.

But, it is very important to notice that the final destination on the Wenceslas square is already far into the square. So, if we do the search again, but this time we only want to walk to the Merchants Crown Hotel. This is located at the very beginning of the Wenceslas square, the location of the square nearest to the Old Town Square.

Now the distance between the Old Town Square and the Wenceslas square is only 500 meters.
Now the distance between the Old Town Square and the Wenceslas square is only 500 meters.

As you can see, the ideal distance is 500 meters. So, if you walk the shortest path between the two squares, it should take you about 6 minutes and a 500-meter walk to get from the one square to the other square. And then you can still walk for 6 minutes to get to the other and of the Wenceslas square, but at least you are there.

It can also be nice to know that the annual Christmas market at the Wenceslas square is arranged at the start of the square, the part closest to the Old Town square.

Other cool things to do in the area!

If you are in the area of the Wenceslas square, why not enjoy our authentic Czech Beer dinner which is arranged only a few hundred meters from the square? You can read more about the beer dinner here.

Another idea is to join in on a river cruise in Prague. The tours we can help you arrange have their pick-up point in Na Prikope (the street at the start of the Wenceslas square), meaning they are also very close to the Wenceslas square.

Look around in the Prague Guide and be inspired as you plan your trip to Prague!

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